Lori Leyden

Lori Leyden

LORI LEYDEN, PhD, MBA is an internationally known trauma healing professional, transformational leader and mentor who courageously follows her heart, makes dreams become a reality and inspires others to do the same. With her unique brand of heart-centered humility, humor and grace, Dr. Leyden finds the miracles that are possible out of tragedy and has brought comfort, peace and hope to thousands around the world from Rwanda to Sandy Hook, CT, Australian indigenous and refugee groups, and now to survivors of the Douglas High School shooting in Parkland, FL. Lori serves trauma survivors as well as heart-centered healers, teachers, coaches, social entrepreneurs and change-makers who are committed to their own healing and yearn for more meaning and impact in their lives, their work and in our world. She is the Founder of the non-profit Create Global Healing and the producer of the award-winning documentary, When I Was Young I Said I Would Be Happy, chronicling the transformation of 12 Rwandan orphan genocide survivors and how they paid it forward to hundreds from Rwanda to Sandy Hook, CT. https://createglobalhealing.org