Matthew Green

Matthew Green

Matthew deeply engages with his work, his clients and his desire to make the world a better place. A voracious appetite to learn and understand has allowed him to research wide and deep, building on his extensive knowledge of healing and human behavior. He partners with his clients to take them from good to great, offering a safe and held space to explore hidden, deeply held issues that lie at the core of their performance hurdles. He focuses on offering specialized psychological services for high achievers, including tools and strategies, in the form of coaching and therapy for immediate relief from stress, anxiety, burnout & other mental health challenges. He works with a global audience, developing and building emotional fitness and has brought relief from stress, anxiety, depression and other emotional health issues to tens of thousands of participants. Additionally, Matthew has an eye for detail and desire for excellence. His mountain of ability places him as the technical wiz, perfecter of content, recordings and video and ideas person of 5th Place. He's been meditating since he was 10 years old, is a qualified aromatherapist, EFT practitioner and coach. He's studied Waldorf education, NLP and has been researching and working with human development potential for more than 30 years. His favorite maxim is: “If you don’t know where you are, how can you move to somewhere else?” Matthew is the co-founder of 5th Place and co-creator of Shape of Emotion