Marie-Amélie George

Marie-Amélie George

Marie-Amélie George is an Associate Professor of Law at Wake Forest University, where she teaches courses on civil procedure, family law, and public interest advocacy. Prior to joining the Wake faculty, Marie-Amélie was the Berger-Howe Fellow in Legal History at Harvard Law School and an Associate in Law at Columbia Law School. Marie-Amélie received her Ph.D. in history from Yale University, J.D. from Columbia Law School, and M.St. in Women's Studies from the University of Oxford. Marie-Amélie is a three-time recipient of the Dukeminier Award, which is conferred on authors of the country's most influential sexual orientation and gender identity scholarship. Her work has been published in leading law review and peer reviewed journals, including the Northwestern Law Review, Florida Law Review, Wisconsin Law Review, Alabama Law Review, Yale Law & Policy Review, Harvard Civil-Rights Civil-Liberties Law Review, and Law & History Review. Marie-Amélie is currently working on a book entitled Becoming Equal: American Law and the Rise of the Gay Family, which is under contract with Cambridge University Press.