Angela Nicoara

Angela Nicoara

Angela Nicoara is Professor of Computer Science at Lucerne University of Applied Sciences HSLU, Switzerland heading the IoT Innovation Lab and IoT Systems and Software Research. She is an impactdriven technical leader, systems researcher, and innovator with over 20 years of experience in industry and research, with a proven track record of building breakthrough technologies and systems in IoT, mobile and distributed systems at Intel, Deutsche Telekom, Google, ETH Zurich, HSLU. Her work has been published in numerous leading technical conferences and workshops proceedings. She is a regular speaker and panelist at premium conferences. She received prestigious awards and honors for her work and technical contributions, including Intel Division Recognition Award, Women in IT Awards USA Finalist Innovator of the Year Top 10 Women Innovators in USA. Her work has been quoted by press and media, as well as chaired and served as review board and TPC member of multiple conferences.