SSgt Bryce  Cherryholmes

SSgt Bryce Cherryholmes

Staff Sergeant Bryce Cherryholmes was born in 1988 in Fort Worth, Texas. He enlisted in the United States Marine Corps in 2007 and served faithfully for eight years. Throughout his years of service, he was recognized as a leader receiving continual promotions and awards throughout his tenure. His actions and excellent support earned him three Navy and Marine Corps Achievement medals and the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation medal. During his first deployment, SSgt Cherryholmes incurred an initial back injury that became much worse over time. Due to the back injury and subsequent surgery, he received a full medical retirement and was Retired from Active Duty in 2015. SSgt Cherrholmes lives in North Carolina with his wife of eleven years, Kalyn and their two children, Brylyn and Kace. He currently serves as an Ambassador for the national veteran-focused nonprofit SoldierStrong.