Steven  Sawyer

Steven Sawyer

Steve Is a dual licensed psychotherapist filled with passion and knowledge surrounding the Interventlon and change process. His experlence comes from two decades of Interventlon with tough to reach cllent populations In therapy settings ranging from resldential, community based, outpatlent and wilderness therapy. He Is a tralned tralner of several unique therapeutic models Including Bralnspotting, and HeartMath. Steve co- founded New Vision WIlderness Therapy programs with a trauma Informed and clinical focus with 3 locations spanning the country. He continues to work as a core therapeutic tralning development staff with the Institute of HeartMath recelving thelr Humanitarlan Heart award In 2018 and he Is a leading active International Brainspotting tralner. Along with his training of Phase 1 and 2, he developed the Developmental Trauma Focused Model of Brainspotting. Steve's Native focused work Is as a Wellbrlety Mending Broken Hearts tralner and Generatlon Red Road facllitator. Steve spends time amongst trauma focused treatment master's Ilk Gabor Mate and Bessel Van Der Kolk. Steve's tralnings are recognized natlonwide for cutting edge therapeutic techniques, sclence, and Inspiration.