Emily Gold Mears

Emily Gold Mears

Emily Gold Mears is a citizen scientist, biohacker, research analyst and author of Optimizing Your Health: An Approachable Guide to Reducing Your Risk of Chronic Disease. A former attorney turned health activist, she distills scientific and health studies so others may better advocate for themselves through lifestyle changes and education. Emily loved science, but there was little encouragement in school for women to go into science. She went to Law School and although she did not like practicing law, she gained valuable research skills. She reads daily science and medical newsletters and scours Google Scholar PubMed – a government resource of biomedical and life science literature – for interesting clinical studies. Emily became a biohacker because of health issues the health care system was unable to fix. Biohacking is broadly defined as changing and manipulating your biology and your environment to optimize your health using traditional and nontraditional methods.