Linda Yael Schiller

Linda Yael Schiller

Linda Yael Schiller, MSW, LICSW is an international speaker, dreamwork specialist, and integrative mind/body/spiritual psychotherapist. She is the author of Modern Dreamwork: New Tools for Decoding Your Soul‘s Wisdom, the Comprehensive and integrative Trauma Treatment, and PTSDreams: Transforming Your Nightmares from Trauma through Healing Dreamwork. She is trained or certified in a variety of traditional and alternative treatment modalities including EMDR, EFT, TAT, HBLU (mind/body and meridian-based therapies) kabbalah, Enneagram, hypnotherapy, somatic experiencing, Focusing, and Reiki. Linda is a professor emeritus at Boston University School of Social Work in clinical and group treatment and has received awards for her original theory of relational group work,(listed in the International Encyclopedia of social work with Groups) and recognition worldwide for her teaching excellence. Linda regularly teaches dreamwork to both the general public and a variety of professional disciplines including therapists, coaches, clergy, and health care providers as well as team building, corporate events, and retreats on her original dreamwork methods.