The Oregon Statewide Jural Assembly

The Oregon Statewide Jural Assembly We have formed a Grand jury pool and trial jury pool of Oregonians — non-US citizens –As a Grand Jury we brought forth 2 presentments for 38 de facto Prosecutors and 2 true bills against the evil doers Kate Brown, Ron Wyden, Jeff Merkley and Susanne Bonamici. on Oregon. Then we implement Article III Amendment VII. We tried our 1 governor, 2 Senators,1 House Rep and 90 Oregon Legislators and found them all guilty as Oath breakers, without honor and may not hold a position of trust and guilty of due process violation 18 USC 3571 250K for each incident. This is a template for the other states. We are the Oregon Statewide Jural Assembly. We meet on Skype most Mondays at 7:00PM. You will be notified. Our function is to return Oregon to a Constitutional Republican form of government thru a grand jury process. Following is a five-minute read. Then there are some attachments. We are seeking grand jury/trial jury members to take these ogres to trial. Briefly: We are in a benevolent, predatory, form of martial law from DC/United States* incorporated governance in some form since 1861. It’s Name is the Lieber Code from Lincoln’s Executive Order 100 in color of law. We had a Constitutional Republican form of government from 1819 to 1860 or 1861. From 1776 to 1819 it was changing from an overthrown Monarchy. Most of the “people from 1776 to 1819 the people at large” were not convinced for a long time. There really is an active conspiracy.