Patricia Dean

Patricia Dean

Patricia Dean has been taking care of children with epilepsy and their families for over 35 years at the Comprehensive Epilepsy Center of Nicklaus’ Children’s Hospital. Her current position is Epilepsy Network Specialist. She expanded her role and became a volunteer in the Epilepsy movement. Patricia has worked with the Epilepsy Foundation at the national, local, and state level. She is the Immediate Past Chair of the Board of Directors of Epilepsy Alliance Florida. Patricia has received awards for her service from both the local chapter and national office. She received the J Kiffen Penry Excellence in Epilepsy Care Award from the American Epilepsy Society and the Hospital Hero of the Year Award by the Florida Hospital Association. Her dedication to Floridians with epilepsy led the Epilepsy Foundation of Florida to name an award after her. The Pat Dean Beacon Award is given to others who have shown equal dedication. Patricia was appointed in 1990 to the Governor’s Task Force on Epilepsy and continues to advocate for people with epilepsy at the State Legislature and was recently involved in the Seizure Safety in School Bill passed in Florida. Patricia has been involved in every aspect of nursing care for pediatric epilepsy patients. She has helped families through hospitalizations, seizures, and surgeries. She has supported the Epilepsy Community’s camp program since 1986. Patricia received her BSN from Downstate Medical Center and her MSN from the University of Miami.