Aruna  Ramamurthy

Aruna Ramamurthy

Aruna is a Yoga teacher's college (which is a yoga alliance accredited at-home certification) certified in trapeze yoga, 200 hour certification, Science of Stretching (gravity yoga), Breath coach. After going through a traumatic fire incident in 1995, a survivor of 3rd degree burns to 45% of her body, she is a phoenix bird with a warrior spirit who wants to Empower other individuals, leave a legacy behind her with Yoga, Sound healing, Guided Meditation. She always comes from her heart space filled with unconditional love, Integrity and abundant Blessings when she shares her knowledge with her clients. Aruna received her bachelor’s degree in Mathematics from the University of Madras, India. She has a Medical Massage Therapy license in the state of Ohio since 2008. Aruna has also had intensive training in precision neuromuscular therapy. She is certified in Nurturing the Mother pregnancy massage, ashiatsu-barefoot massage and bamboo-fusion massage and spinal reflex therapy, functional movement techniques. She has served as a Program Advisory committee member for Dayton and Cincinnati school of Medical Massage. She enjoyed serving as an Instructor in Cincinnati School of Medical Massage. She is a certified fitness trainer as well who can recommend rehab exercises to help tone muscles after the tightness in muscle is addressed in a therapeutic manner.