Leo Cashman

Leo Cashman

Leo Cashman is the director of the Dental Amalgam Mercury Solutions or www.amalgam.org. With extensive knowledge and resources regarding the amalgam cover-up, Leo exposes the problem and offers help for those seeking the solutions for a cleaner body and where to turn for the very best holistic dentists. Our non-profit organization, DAMS, discusses in plain language about the mercury, the fluoride and other toxic pitfalls in dentistry. Then we describe for you what dental materials and practices might be a better way to go. You and everyone else deserve to know the truth about the toxic pitfalls in the usual dentistry and what to look for in the more scientifically based, health centered dentistry, and what is often called “biological” dentistry or “holistic” dentistry….. Shouldn’t every dentist be avoiding mercury and other toxic chemicals in his/her dental practice? We think so! We can help you find higher quality biological dentists in your state or country.