Edward Carrion

Edward Carrion

Edward is a natural born psychic medium with the abilities of clairvoyance (includes remote viewing), clairsentiense, clairaudient, spirit/ghost discovery & relocation, Psychometry, empathic channeling, the ability to communicate with your spirit guide, your angels, yours & others Akashic Records and those who have crossed over to the other side. He has actively practiced his special abilities for over 48 years. His specialty seems to be the ability to gently bring a person back to themselves or to become centered to clearly see their life paths, missions and lessons of life. Edward is very well known for his unique ability to astound clients with clear and precise details about their lives & situations, the lives of those who have crossed over and the ability to see read the Akashic records to view future events & predictions.  Many clients have used his ability to channel relatives and friends, gaining insights and a calm peace about themselves and those who have passed over. Edward believes in the act of loving. Loving is the act of gently bringing someone back to themselves, which can include a friendly hello to a stranger or the compliment which brightens your co-worker's day. He loves others through his readings so they may clearly see their purposes and paths of their life. It is from our center where we clearly make choices for the highest possible good. It is Edward's belief that we often lose our way in life by not being centered.