Jon Martinsen

Jon Martinsen

Jon Martinsen is the author of "No Business is too small for Digital Marketing-Everything you need to know to Grow your business," published by Advantage in 2022. Jon is the CEO of FCR Media Belgium and of the FCR Media Group, which has offices in Belgium, Croatia, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, and Romania. FCR is an international group of companies specializing in digital marketing for small- and medium-sized businesses. The FCR Media Group in Belgium, the Czech Republic, Croatia, the Netherlands, and Romania have teams of certified specialists and digital experts supporting SMBs in digital presence. They help SMBs to be successful in the digital age. They aim to ensure that an SMB is found when potential customers seek a provider of particular desired products or services. Jon has also held numerous executive positions throughout Europe, including Belgium, The Netherlands, Norway, Finland, Sweden, Austria, Lithuania, Latvia, Hungary, Finland, Estonia, and Ireland. Because of this varied background and his 30 years of experience in local search, he has a deep insight into local search and digital marketing and its opportunities and challenges. In 2014 he was elected as the Board Chair of Siinda, Europe's fastest-growing digital marketing, and local search association, right at the birth of the newly established association. Before he was a board member of EADP, the previous association existed before Siinda was founded.