Bob Vander Plaats

Bob Vander Plaats

Bob Vander Plaats is President and CEO of The FAMiLY LEADER. His passionate leadership for the betterment of America's family has earned The FAMiLY LEADER the 2010 "Family Champion" Award presented by CitizenLink, an affiliation of Focus on the Family. His leadership and voice for the family is frequently noted and his comments are widely requested by a vast array of national and international media outlets. The Wall Street Journal, Fox News and many others have referenced Bob as "Kingmaker," while Bob prefers the designation of "Standard Bearer." Bob is the author of "Light From Lucas," a true story of how God uses the weakest among us to have the greatest impact. The book, recently updated after Lucas went to be with his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, in November 2022, gives a poignant account of Bob's son Lucas, who although severely disabled at birth, offers life-changing lessons. In addition to being an author, Bob is a highly sought after speaker on issues such as education, health care and human services.