Louie Psihoyos

Louie Psihoyos

Louie Psihoyos (rhymes with Sequoias) is director of The Cove, nominated for a 2010 Academy Award for documentary feature. Louie is widely regarded as one of the world’s top photographers. Hired out of college to shoot for National Geographic, he created images for the magazine for 18 years. His ability to bring humanity and wit to complicated science stories carries over to his filmmaking. An ardent diver and dive photographer, he is compelled to show the decline of our planet’s crucial resource, water. With Jim Clark, he created the nonprofit Oceanic Preservation Society (OPS) in 2005 to showcase the beauty as well as the destruction of the oceans, while motivating change. Louie also has worked for Fortune Magazine and shot hundreds of covers for magazines including Smithsonian, Discover, GEO, TIME, Newsweek, and more. His work has been featured on the Discovery Channel, National Geographic Television, and the History Channel, and is sought by collectors and museums worldwide.