Veer Bhasin

Veer Bhasin

Veer Bhasin is a junior at St. John's High School. Veer’s focus is business with a focus on sustainability and environmental/renewable energy. He also is invested in the stock market and spends time researching and buying stocks. In the past year, he has competed nationally in DECA and with his friends, placed 7th in the world with an International Business Plan. He is doing DECA again in 2023 and hopes to accomplish similar results. He has also competed in multiple Wharton Business School stock competitions, a competition through the Stevens Institute of Technology, as well as others. He has also competed at the Harvard Pre-Economics Competition (HPEC). All these investment challenges were through the investment club at his school. He is an avid golfer and is on the course during most of his free time. Veer’s goal is to go into business and entrepreneurship.