Arjun Nargolwala

Arjun Nargolwala

Arjun Nargolwala is a senior in high school. He is interested in business, technology, and mathematics, and plans to pursue a combination of these fields in college. He is an active member of his high school community. He serves as the president of the investment club, the economics team, the entrepreneurship club, DECA, the computer science club, the artificial intelligence club, and the math team. He is a member of the tennis team as well. Outside of school, he serves as the CEO of a nonprofit focused on advancing global financial literacy, and is a founder at Sidereal Technologies, a biofuel energy startup. Additionally, he engages in technical research at Harvard and serves as a youth fellow for the Commonwealth of Nations. He is broadly interested in international finance, specifically the applications of blockchain in emerging markets, as well as the developments in artificial intelligence and nuclear fission. In his free time, he enjoys being with friends and playing chess.