Taylor Kraayenbrink

Taylor Kraayenbrink

Taylor is a seasoned recruitment professional that spent his early career cutting his teeth on the agency side of recruitment. After spending 6-7 years building his network and honing his craft within both technical and non-technical recruitment, he had the opportunity to join the Technology recruitment team at Principal Financial Group. After a couple years supporting the technical teams at PFG, Taylor stepped away from the corporate space to spin up his own firm called Vesel Technology. The firm has grown significantly in the last few years around a dedicated focus to help our clients navigate growth. That could be through short term staff augmentation, full time placements, or custom recruitment engagements. We take pride in establishing true partnerships with our customers and truly enjoy advocating for them in the market. If you are looking for a strategic partner to help you grow your team or help you find your next exciting role, please reach out! LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/veseltechnology/?viewAsMember=true Website: https://www.veseltechnology.com/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vesel.technology/