Saesha  Herrell

Saesha Herrell

Saesha Herrell’s dedication and drive to sustaining community wealth is what led her towards the financial advisor role. Constantly learning and educating herself, and sharing her knowledge of financial literacy to all ages in hopes to make equitable change has been a top priority. A well experienced and knowledgeable financial advisor, Saesha has been committed to working with families changing the dynamics of their financial future. Certified in annuities, life insurance, retirement planning, business succession, and estate planning Saesha has diversified her knowledge to assure she can cater to all financial demographics. Over the years, she has facilitated in bridging the gaps on financial literacy, and assisting families with reaching their financial goals personally, and professionally. She has been blazing trails bringing awareness to wealth management, and financial freedom for years.  As a financial planner Saesha ‘s goal is to help you make well-informed decisions to determine what types of financial strategies and tools are best suited for you.