Shai Tubali

Shai Tubali

An international speaker, author, and spiritual teacher. Shai also serves as an academic researcher at the University of Leeds and has developed several meditation-based therapeutic methods. In his writings and teachings, he skillfully combines psychology, philosophy, Yogic traditions, and Eastern thought and practices into powerful processes of inner transformation. Tubali’s numerous books have appeared internationally for the past two decades in 12 languages and have been published by major publishers. His most prominent writings have won awards in the United States and in Israel. Several have become bestsellers, inspiring many thousands on their inner journeys of mental, emotional, and spiritual transformation. One of his best sellers is The Seven Chakra Personality Types: Discover the Energetic Forces that Shape Your Life, Your Relationships, and Your Place in the World. His newest book, "Llewellyn’s Complete Book of Meditation,” published in January 2023, explores 35 meditation techniques from all over the world.