Pitz Quattrone

Pitz Quattrone

Pitz Quattrone is a world-traveled Didgeridoo Adventurer. The world’s oldest musical instrument, the Didgeridoo is an Aboriginal instrument that comes from Arnhemland, Australia. The Didge has taken Pitz to Senegal, Greenland, and across the USA performing, teaching, building Didges, and collaborating. Pitz started playing the Didge in 1993. After a few months, “circular breathing” came to Pitz, which allows the player to breathe while playing, resulting in continuous music. This breathing technique uses throat muscles that are usually the culprits in sleep apnea. Pitz grew up in the Philadelphia area in the 60s & 70s. He enjoys placing the Didgeridoo in several musical styles. He also composes music featuring the Didge in his fun and catchy work. At a critical time in his 20s, the Didge offered Pitz a healthy direction over a dark path. As a result, his life mission is to share the special instrument to help whomever he can.