Jessie Terry

Jessie Terry

Jessie Terry is the author and illustrator of twenty children’s books. Jessie is a freelance artist. She is an international traveler, model, and the reigning National American Miss Arkansas. She is also certified as a Maxwell Leadership speaker and coach. Jessie is a certified women’s self-defense instructor and has traveled overseas to teach. Jessie recently created a fifty-two-week leadership curriculum for elementary school-age children. Her mission in life is to knock out boredom and bring back the power of imagination. One day she plans to have an international playground company that installs playgrounds for kids in lower-income locations and situations beyond their control. Every year she hosts an annual toy drive for kids and teens in Arkansas. Last year she collected 1,105 toys, this year her goal is to collect 1,000 and she is taking the toy drive internationally this year.