Ursula Adams

Ursula Adams

Ursula is passionate about empowering people to live a life of wellness, authenticity and happiness. Her journey into holistic healing started 15 years ago when she was introduced to Reiki and became fascinated with the world of energy healing. She believes that health includes all facets of our being: mental, emotional, physical and spiritual, and that we can tap into our innate healing ability by embracing our senses, intuition and deep connection to nature. Ursula is a Qigong Flow Instructor, Reiki Master, Integrative Body Worker, Indian Head Massage Practitioner and Sound Healing Therapist. In all her practices, she is guided by her heart and meets everyone with compassion, acceptance and kindness. She loves inspiring people and seeing them blossom into their highest and most joyful Selves, so that they can make empowered choices for their lives and the planet. https://www.facebook.com/TheBloomingMandala, https://instagram.com/thebloomingmandala, https://www.linkedin.com/in/ursula-adams-aa395227b, http://m.me/TheBloomingMandala, thebloomingmandala@gmail.com