Debert Cook

Debert Cook

Debert Cook, a seasoned media expert, embarked on an incredible journey in 2003, launching the trailblazing African American Golfer’s Digest. This visionary publication, headquartered on Wall Street in NYC's Financial District, quickly became a PGA Diverse Supplier in 2009, setting a remarkable precedent. Notably, Cook stands as the pioneering Black woman who wholly owns a prominent US golf magazine. Since its 2003 launch, she's dedicated herself to balanced editorial content, spotlighting the vibrant achievements and lifestyles of Black Americans immersed in both leisure and competitive golf – a sport that embodies a lifetime of passion. In 2011, Cook introduced National Black Golf Month through her magazine, sparking celebrations and driving interest in golf among African Americans every April. The magazine's subscription-based model extends its reach to over 80,000 readers per quarter, while also distributing across 250 African-American-focused golf events nationwide. Cook's National Media Partnerships extend a helping hand to golfing groups, andnonprofit and for-profit entities, offering affordable advertising and marketing strategies tailored to this niche marketplace. Her impact isn't confined to print; Cook's magazine has graced renowned media outlets including The Golf Channel, ESPN, The New York Times, and more. It's even been featured in documentaries and films, cementing its legacy.