Sheila Rivera

Sheila Rivera

Sheila Rivera, nee McDonald, is the mother of four grown children and four grandchildren. She has been married to Jose Rivera for 26 years. She has "wrestled" with God to find meaning, purpose, and joy beyond the confines of toxic guilt, shame, and worldly gain. She was given a mandate to write prayers for those struggling with abuse, addictions, poor life choices, and low self-worth. Her book entitled Prayers for Reconciliation, Recovery, and Restoration is given to women who need to know the truth about what God says about them. She offers her book, free of charge, to women in facilities and various groups at the Star of Hope/New Hope program, Santa Maria Hostel/Bambi program, and The Landing, a sex trafficking drop-in center in Houston, TX. She is excited to share her journey of the saving grace of Jesus Christ through a Christ-centered 12-step program called Celebrate Recovery as a facilitator and leader. She meets and works with women in crisis at homeless shelters, safe houses, and various churches, fulfilling God's purpose for her life.