Christine Aurigemma

Christine Aurigemma

Christine Aurigemma is a Senior Manager of Diversity Sourcing in Pfizer’s HR organization, which is now called People Experience. She has been with the company for over 26 years, with the first 25 years spent as an analytical chemist in the Oncology R&D organization in San Diego, California. As a profoundly deaf individual, Ms. Aurigemma is all too familiar with the challenges of being a person with a disability in the workplace but especially as a job seeker. Her lived experiences and her passion for helping make the journey easier for talented individuals with disabilities to get jobs at Pfizer made her the perfect fit for her new role. Ms. Aurigemma’s role includes working alongside Pfizer’s internal stakeholders including the DEI team to make recommendations for a refreshed disability inclusion strategy for Pfizer. As part of this overall strategy, she is working to create solutions to enhance the diverse and inclusive work culture at Pfizer that enables highly qualified, yet underrepresented, talent to be matched to key roles. Currently in development is Pfizer’s Neurodiversity Employment Program, which Ms. Aurigemma is leading, to address significant unemployment rates of this population of untapped talent. In fact, as part of this neurodiversity journey, she is launching an apprenticeship pilot this month in partnership with the Digital organization.