Emanuel Kuntzelman

Emanuel Kuntzelman

EMANUEL KUNTZELMAN is co-editor of THE HOLOMOVEMENT: EMBRACING OUR COLLECTIVE PURPOSE TO UNITE HUMANITY and a co-founder of The Holomovement (Holomvement.net). Having created Greenheart International in 1985, he still serves as Chief Advisor to the organization. He is also the co-founder of Fundación por el Futuro in Madrid, Spain, and has been its President since 1995. His work in spiritual movements includes being a founding co-creator of the Global Purpose Movement and Purpose Earth, as well as his collaboration as a member of the Evolutionary Leaders Circle. Emanuel is a board member and/or advisor to: Greenheart, Humanity’s Team, Unity Earth, Integral Transformative Practice International, and the Laszlo Institute for New Paradigm Research. He is co-editor of the anthology Purpose Rising (2017) and has contributed articles to a wide variety of publications. An entrepreneur, writer, philosopher, philanthropist and activist for social transformation, he began his adult life by traveling the world on a decade-long quest for his spiritual purpose before beginning his professional career as an editor/writer for Readers’ Digest, where he authored dozens of articles for international editions. His vision of the Holomovement is a project he has been working on for over fifty years.