Elisabet  Vinberg Hearn

Elisabet Vinberg Hearn

Elisabet Vinberg Hearn, Leadership & Culture Strategist, Co-founder Think Solutions in the UK and Sweden, Award-winning co-author ‘The Leader’s Guide to Impact’, ‘Leading Teams 10 Challenges 10 Solutions and ‘The Team Formula’. Her 4th book is out April 2024.Elisabet was born in Luleå, Sweden, close to the arctic circle, the daughter of a senior officer in the armed forces and a teacher and grew up in Stockholm. She is a leading voice on future leadership, personal impact, teams/collaboration & collective Intelligence, cultural intelligence and culture change in organisations, enabling and engaging people through business and digital transformation. As an international consultant, speaker, facilitator and executive coach, she’s worked with clients such as American Express, McAfee, Royal Sun Alliance Group, H&M, Skanska, City & Guilds, Greenpeace, IKEA, MasterCard, SOS Children’s Villages, ABN AMRO and the Royal Bank of Scotland. She’s on the Advisory Board of AI Forum.