Pat  Croce

Pat Croce

Pat Croce has enjoyed diverse entrepreneurial careers in sports medicine, professional sports, and the hospitality industry. Pat is a New York Times best-selling author. His entrepreneurial endeavors included growing his Sports Physical Therapist business to 40 centers across 11 states before selling to NovaCare. In 1996 Pat become minority owner and CEO of the Philadelphia 76ers, where he led the team from last place in 1996 to the NBA Finals in 2001. For the past eight years he has been on a spiritual journey around the world leading inward. And for the past three years he has hosted Meditation Hill Sangha via ZOOM for all with a love for the truth, ranging from movie producers to college professors to veterans of war. Pat is the founder of the American Cancer Society HEALED Community Movement. His spiritual path guided him through his experience as a cancer patient and fueled his partnership with the American Cancer Society to launch the HEALED Community Movement, raising over two million dollars with a membership of over 700.