Tom Raftery

Tom Raftery

Tom Raftery is a seasoned Technology and Sustainability Evangelist, guest lecturer at the prestigious Instituto Internacíonal San Telmo, board advisor for various startups, and former Global Vice President at SAP. Prior to joining SAP, Tom built a successful career as an independent industry analyst, focusing on the IoT, Energy, and CleanTech, while also serving as a Futurist for Gerd Leonhardt's Futures Agency. With an extensive background in technology and social media dating back to 1991, Tom co-founded an Irish software development company, a social media consultancy, and the hyper energy-efficient data center, CIX. Additionally, Tom has made significant contributions to the field of sustainability through his work as an Analyst at industry analyst firm RedMonk, where he led their Sustainability practice for over seven years. His unique blend of expertise and experience makes him a sought-after thought leader in technology, sustainability, and social media.