Dr, Sharon Pyke

Dr, Sharon Pyke

Dr. Sharon Pyke has over 30 years of experience in public education with the majority of time as an elementary and secondary administrator, a supervising principal, and lastly, as a Superintendent for the last 14 years of her tenure. The supervisory portfolios have primarily been in Special Education and Student Well-Being (physical and mental health, safe schools, equity and inclusion, attendance, crisis response, SAL, and COVID). She supervised both school panels including the three Mental Health Agencies in Windsor, Ontario. Her doctorate was earned from Northern Illinois University in 2001 and taught graduate and undergraduate students from both American and Canadian universities over the years. Retirement includes being the President of the Board of Directors at Windsor Essex Children and Youth Advocacy Centre and the May Court Club of Windsor, member of the St. Mark's by-the-Lake Parish Council, and is actively organizing and promoting mental health workshops with local community agencies.