David Currie

David Currie

DAVID CURRIE, the author of For the Good of All, NOW! has woven his interests and work in building community for fifty years in corporate and societal settings, in communities-of-place and in for profit and non-profit organizations, into a coherent template for navigating the major evolutionary transition to Holos– the fourth Macroshift in the history of humankind. The ecological collapse that humans have instigated is creating a mass extinction event that threatens our species’ survival. We cannot expect to reform the systems that we’ve co-created over the last 10,000 years, but we can transform ourselves and our relationship to each other and Earth. Nature provides us with a ready-made template for creating change at scale. The plutarchy and its sometimes-unwitting agents, will resist this path to the very end. Transformational change-making is necessary and possible if humans choose to engage together coherently. David invites you to consider how you, me, and we, are quite capable of reclaiming our voices and powers by using coherent natural strategies and structures to co-create the manifestation of a future that works for the good of all.