Rabbi Daniel J. Fellman

Rabbi Daniel J. Fellman

Rabbi Daniel J. Fellman, a native of Omaha, Nebraska, serves as the Senior Rabbi of Temple Sinai. Before joining in 2021, he served as Rabbi at Temple Concord in Syracuse, New York for 12 years and as Assistant and Associate Rabbi at Ashe Emeth Memorial Temple in New Brunswick, New Jersey, for four years. He earned his Master’s Degree in Hebrew Letters in 2004 and was ordained by the Hebrew Union College—Jewish Institute of Religion in 2005. His thesis, “An American Friendship: Harry Truman, Eddie Jacobson and the Establishment of the State of Israel,” explored the extraordinary friendship of two Americans and the role that relationship played in America’s early support for Israel. He is a 1996 graduate of Colorado College, and earned his BA in Political Science and earned the Abel Greg and Lucy Finney Award for religious leadership on campus. He was named a “40 under 40” member in Syracuse, served as the chair of the Roundtable of Faith Leaders, and received the Interfaith Leadership Award for his work building civil society. Rabbi Fellman was a Clal Rabbis Without Borders Fellow and is currently a fellow with the Institute for Jewish Spirituality. He served as the Jewish Chaplain at Syracuse University for two years and spent three years as an adjunct instructor at the State University of New York at Cortland. He resuscitated the Syracuse Board of Rabbis and was an active presence in Jewish community building. He was a founder of the Hillel at Colorado College.