Blake Erickson

Blake Erickson

Blake is in the top 1% of earners in the world. He has a 6 figure real estate investing portfolio and Manages a door to door sales organization that produces 8 figures in reoccurring revenue each year. He Achieved the goal of becoming a millionaire by the age of 24. He is authoring a self help book called “Becoming Victimless”. Which has led him to be passionate about helping others strip themselves of entitlement, excuses, blame, jealousy, comparison, their past narratives/ideas that are holding themselves back from becoming their best self. He has a course online that teaches others the art of recruiting and closing, called The Recruiting School. His greatest period of his life was when he served for 2 years on a mission for the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. His greatest accomplishment is getting to marry his wife Bre and having their son named Covey.