Breaking Solace Book

Breaking Solace Book

Our main character, Tali, struggles to reconcile the charming, romantic man she loves with the manipulative, angry person he becomes without warning. Tali eventually learns . . . Narcissists love power and will do anything to get and maintain control. Being intelligent and sensitive is not enough to avoid being fooled and manipulated. Victims get deluded by love bombing, gaslighting, and flying monkeys without even realizing it. As you follow Tali’s story, you may identify with her self-talk… can she regain control of her life? The author, Skye Bellarmine, takes you into the highs and lows of codependency and self-doubt. In Breaking Solace book trilogy, readers will learn how to identify and separate themselves from unhealthy relationships while also learning the life-changing importance of cultivating a few close friendships.