David Cravit

David Cravit

David Cravit, Vice President, ZoomerMedia Ltd, has over 30 years’ experience in advertising, marketing and consulting in Canada and the US. He was a partner in Saffer Cravit & Freedman Advertising, which he helped take from start-up to over $150 million in annual billings. The firm was recognized as the leading retail specialist agency in North America. After selling his interest in the business, he worked as an independent consultant and also a consultant to other advertising agencies in Canada and the US, before joining ZoomerMedia in November, 2005. He has been a frequent speaker at corporate and industry events, guest on numerous radio and TV shows, and contributor to professional journals. His book, “The New Old,” (October, 2008, ECW Press) details how Zoomers (led by the Baby Boomers) are completely reinventing the process of aging – and the implications for companies, government, and society as a whole. “The New Old” can be purchased online at Amazon.com or Chapters Indigo.