Scott Porter

Scott Porter

Scott Porter is a staff scientist at LUMCON and has over 21 years experience as an investigative biologist with an environmental survey company – EcoLogic Environmental. His began as an oil field consultant whose zone of study includes the coastal Gulf States with a concentration in the Louisiana's estuaries and petroleum platforms. Through his services as an independent survey biologist specializing in biological resource analysis, the P I has collected over 5,000 biological reef samples and has over 3,000 scuba dives from 1988-2009. Mr. Porter holds a degree in Marine Biology. He has discovered new species on the platform that have yet to be documented in the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Ocean. Matt Simmons was past Chairman of the National Ocean Industries Association, and served as energy adviser to President George W. Bush, among others. Simmons is author of the book Twilight in the Desert: The Coming Saudi Oil Shock and the World Economy, which examines oil reserve decline rates to help raise awareness of the unreliability of Middle East oil reserves. Simmons is one of the top minds in the world when it comes to energy.