Dale Peterson, MD
Dale Peterson, MD, is a cutting edge physician at the forefront of exposing iatrogenic illness. He is a past president of the Oklahoma Academy of Family Physicians and was a Chief of Staff of the Edmond Hospital. Dr. Peterson left his full-time family practice in 1999 to consult with individuals who are seeking ways to restore and maintain their health through improved nutrition and other lifestyle changes. He founded the Center to Expose Iatrogenic Medicine to give people access to credible information on supporting and maintaining their health. Dr. Peterson has an intense interest in the design of the human body and how, given proper nutrition and support, the body is able to halt the progression of disease and restore health. His monthly wellness letter, Health By Design, and his Heath By Design E-Newsletter provide helpful information to individuals interested in preventing and conquering health challenges. For more information, please visit: www.drdalepeterson.com