Marilyn Spencer

Marilyn Spencer

Marilyn Spencer graduated with an MBA in marketing in 1974. After working for fortune 500 companies, she started her own corporate communications firm, The Concept Werks, specializing in change management and employee communications. She considers herself to be an accidental caregiver. After her successful career in marketing and corporate communications, she, a childless only child, found herself the caregiver for her mother who is enduring the ravages of Alzheimer’s. With no experience in looking after anyone or anything dependent, without ever having to be involved in accessing community support services, of any kind, she was thrown into the caregiver’s world. Eleven years after realizing that something was not quite right with mother, the challenge continues. Her recent task was to find a dentist experienced with 91 year old Alzheimer’s sufferers. While she has never managed to manage the problem, the journey has been signposted with great people and some poignant experiences.