Krishna Stone

Krishna Stone

Krishna Stone is Assistant Director of Community Relations in the Communications Department at Gay Men’s Health Crisis (GMHC), based in New York. In 2003, she joined the Communications Department. Her responsibilities include managing media inquiries, coordinating site visits to GMHC, and organizing community events. She has extensive experience working with community-based organizations, faith communities, schools, hospitals and corporations. She’s an ordained minister of a non-denominational/non-traditional faith community, Sanctuary of the Beloved. She works in creating dialogue among faith communities, GMHC and other AIDS service organizations about the critical issues of the epidemic, including race, gender and sexual identities, substance use, religions and spiritualities. For the past 10 years, she’s been the volunteer announcer at the end of Heritage of Pride’s annual LGBT Pride March. She’s the proud mother of a righteous and beautiful 15-year-old daughter named Parade.