Michael Kimmel

Michael Kimmel

Dr. Michael Kimmel, researcher & leading expert in the field of men & masculinity; Professor of Sociology at SUNY, & author of Guyland: The Perilous World Where Boys Become Men. Michael Kimmel says he is a feminist- he believes in gender equality and social justice. “What so few men understand is that if women win, men win because gender equality is just as good for men as it is for women.” Michael’s book, Guyland, is based on interviews with university students, young adults, and families across the US. He found that at an age when young men were once prepping for a life of serious work & grown-up relationships, many now bide their time in "Guyland" with extreme distractions: binge drinking, fleeting sexual relationships & hazing their peers on campus. Redefining what it means to be a man and creating alliances rather than battles can be the new right of passage for all. Battle of the sexes? Join Cheryl Esposito and Michael Kimmel for this episode of Leading Conversations for a new take on the conversation.