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Working on Purpose
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Working on Purpose

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May 1st 2019: Purpose Knocks and the Grateful Recovering Alcoholic Answers

For some, the path to purpose is about healing what is broken in us. It’s a call to finally embrace and lean into treating that which has ailed us often for decades. There is a tendency to be reluctant to accept the call, as the forces pulling us away from that which we were intended test us mightily. In this episode, we hear how Scott Wilson’s crucible moment ultimately gave him the invitation he needed to give up his chase for money and prestige, and surrender to a life of service, gratitude, and considerably more peace and meaningful connection.


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Scott Wilson

Scott Wilson has been a professional Business Management Consultant since 1998. Today he is navigating a fresh and bold path to purpose arising from confronting his own personal challenges en route to becoming a grateful recovered alcoholic.
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