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Afflicted By Addiction

Afflicted By Addiction

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May 14th 2013: The Drug Czar of Idaho and a grass roots Mom share how they crusade to curtail epidemic of RX Drug Abuse in Idaho

Elisha Figueroa shares some shocking facts in the state of Idaho and our country are: 20% of Idaho high school students have taken a prescription drug without a doctor’s prescription. Idaho treatment centers have seen a 7x increase in the percent of opiate primary substance abuse admissions. Every hour one baby in the US is born suffering from opiate withdrawal. In 2011, the CDC reported prescription drug deaths in the US surpassed traffic accidents as the leading cause of accidental death. In 2011, 6.1 million Americans reported the non-medical use of prescription drugs within the preceding

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Elisha Figueroa

Elisha Figueroa directs Idaho’s Office of Drug Policy (ODP). Her nick-name is “The Drug Czar of Idaho” and she has earned it. Prescription drug abuse is one of OAP’s top three issues of concern.
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Melanie Curtis

Melanie Curtis, LMSW, is the Founder and Executive Director of Supportive Housing and Innovative Partnerships (SHIP), a nonprofit dedicated to rebuilding the lives of persons in recovery from substance use disorders through housing, green jobs and long term support. Melanie holds a Masters Degree in Social Work from the University of Denver. She has twenty-three (23) years of post graduate experience in program development, eighteen (18) years of housing experience and twelve (12) years of experience working with persons in recovery.
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