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Educational Leadership: What Else is Possible?
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June 6th 2013: Coach Centric Leadership for Education Professionals
The Coach Centric Leadership™ for Education Professionals program is founded on the guiding principles that the school leader is integral in creating an environment where cultures of engagement flourish and that through the use of a proven coaching methodology, these cultures result in higher levels of self and organizational efficacy which leads to increased student achievement.
Join us as we learn about how leaders are transformed through this process and how they create a culture of responsibility, engagement and achievement. We will be speaking with Stacy Hebert, the Managing Director o
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Stacy Hebert
Stacy Hebert
Managing Director, Educational Markets
As Managing Director of the Educational Markets Division, Stacy’s role includes business development, client relationships, strategic planning and implementation, and coordinating multiple projects.
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Lawrence Lussier, BA, MEd
Lawrence Lussier, BA, MEd, is the Superintendent of Education in Pembina Trails School Division, with about 12,500 students in K-12 and 2000 employees. He has over 20 years experience working as an educational leader. Lawrence is a high energy person, who also holds the following professional coaching credentials: CPC, PCC and ELI-MP. His coach training from iPEC includes Core Energy Coaching, and Energy Leadership. Through his core energy coaching within the school division over the last 48 months he has helped individuals identify and remove the internal blocks to success creating increased productivity and fulfillment within the organization.
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