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Financial Excellence with Game Changers, presented by SAP

Financial Excellence with Game Changers, presented by SAP

Tuesday at 7 AM Pacific /10 AM Eastern

April 21st 2014: Managing Financial Performance: New Payment Challenges and Innovation Options

Today’s buzz: Payment challenges. Banks and corporations are facing an increasingly complex landscape in the payments arena and the associated integration. New types of payments and currency, new technology tools, new security threats and security techniques, and new challengers to traditional providers all contribute to the immense change. The world of payments is now driven by risk, cost, and the ability to reconcile. Players have just two choices: innovate or face greater opportunities to lose big. The experts speak. Tom Durkin, Bank of America Merrill Lynch: “Your most unhappy customers

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Tuesday at 7 AM Pacific Time/10 AM Eastern Time on VoiceAmerica Business Channel
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Tom Durkin

Tom Durkin is the head of Integrated Channel Solutions at Bank of America Merrill Lynch. He leads his team in developing client-focused strategies, initiatives, and technology needs in Payments, FX, and Reconciliation across traditional Host2Host, SWIFT Corporate Access
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Laurie McCulley

Laurie McCulley is a Partner with Treasury Strategies, a leading treasury management consulting firm. As head of the Treasury Technology practice, Laurie is responsible for helping clients select and implement technology to optimize treasury.
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Leonard Schwartz

Leonard Schwartz joined SAP in January 2012 as a Director in Solution Management for the Financial Services Network. Prior to SAP, he worked for 32 years in transaction banking for Citibank, HSBC, JPMC and ABN AMRO/RBS.
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Share Email Share this E-mail 30/07/2024 07:00 30/07/2024 08:00 Financial Excellence with Game Changers, presented by SAP Today’s buzz: Payment challenges. Banks and corporations are facing an increasingly complex landscape in the payments arena and the associated integration. New types of payments and currency, new technology tools, new security threats and security techniques, and new challengers to traditional providers all contribute to the immense change. The world of payments is now driven by risk, cost, and the ability to reconcile. Players have just two choices: innovate or face greater opportunities to lose big. The experts speak. Tom Durkin, Bank of America Merrill Lynch: “Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning” (Bill Gates). Laurie McCulley, Treasury Strategies: “Older people sit down and ask, 'What is it?', but the boy asks, 'What can I do with it?’” (Steve Jobs). Leonard Schwartz, SAP: “Nothing like a little disaster for sorting things out” (Thomas in Blow-Up, 1966 film). Join us for Managing Financial Performance: New Payment Challenges and Innovation Options. VoiceAmerica | Talk Radio | Online Talk Radio false DD/MM/YYYY Add to Calendar
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