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Technology Revolution: The Future of Now

Technology Revolution: The Future of Now

Wednesday at 8 AM Pacific/11 AM Eastern

November 10th 2021: The Future of Storytelling and Technology: Get Real!

The Buzz 1: “Even without the modern neurological research that proves storytelling is the best way to capture people’s attention, bake information into their memories, and forge close, personal bonds, humanity has always inherently known that people crave and seek out great stories almost as much as food and water.” ( The Buzz 2: “From fireside folk tales to Netflix dramas, narratives are essential to every society…Scholars specialising in ‘literary Darwinism’ are asking what exactly makes a good story, and the evolutionary reasons that certain narratives – from Homer’s Od

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Dr. George Viney

Dr. George Viney is a psychotherapist, poet, magician, storyteller, speaker, and author of the forthcoming books: The Fathering Thread The Protecting Veil, and The Wedding of Eros and Psyche. Currently in private practice, he has been providing psychotherapy for over 25 years, and worked with underserved youth families as a therapist and clinical supervisor. He has Doctorate and Masters Degrees in Clinical Psychology from The Chicago School of Professional Psychology and a B.S. Degree in Theater from Northwestern University. His creative calling is to care for the psyche through a poetic, mythological consciousness, dreams, and meaningful synchronicities. Dr. George is a noted speaker on ps
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Tish Hicks

Tish Hicks is an accomplished, successful LA voiceover artist and the creator/CEO/and Master Sensei of the V.O. Dojo, a holistic, full-training program that guides, supports, connects, and accelerates every step of the way from "I don’t know" to working pro. She has been telling stories in all genres of voiceover (commercials, animation, video games, tv narration, promo, audiobooks et al) for 25+ years including being the voice of many high profile and long running campaigns like Subaru and Citibank. The V.O. Dojo is celebrating its 10th year of aligning people around the world with the power and possibility of their voice through the vehicle of voiceover. Tish is a 2020 Stevie Award Winner
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Rebecca Armstrong

Rebecca Armstrong grew up in a family of folksingers and storytellers and learned her repertoire in the Celtic oral tradition by listening to other old-time storytellers in the U.S. and abroad. For many years she toured a program for students called “Myths To Live By” with the blessings of mythologist, Joseph Campbell, who was a family friend – and had a book by that name. In her role as International OutReach Director for the Joseph Campbell Foundation she traveled around the world to four continents and dozens of cities telling myths and sharing their significance in contemporary life. Her profession as a minister has evolved over the last 25 years with STORY as a central feature in her pr
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Megan Wells

Megan Wells is the owner/operator of Megan Wells Tells, providing performances and coaching to groups of all ages across the United States. Megan has been “getting real” through stories for forty years – if her theater career counts, she's been “getting real” on stage for fifty-three years. YES, her first theatrical casting was at seven years old – with the local children's theater. The heavens opened up and she knew she had found her calling. You could say Megan has a “story habit.” She's won three prestigious national awards, two local Chicago theater awards and is called an “Oracle” by the National Storytelling Network, America's circle of excellence for Master Storytellers. She has trans
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Share Email Share this E-mail 18/05/2024 10:00 18/05/2024 11:00 Technology Revolution: The Future of Now The Buzz 1: “Even without the modern neurological research that proves storytelling is the best way to capture people’s attention, bake information into their memories, and forge close, personal bonds, humanity has always inherently known that people crave and seek out great stories almost as much as food and water.” ( The Buzz 2: “From fireside folk tales to Netflix dramas, narratives are essential to every society…Scholars specialising in ‘literary Darwinism’ are asking what exactly makes a good story, and the evolutionary reasons that certain narratives – from Homer’s Odyssey to Harry Potter – have such popular appeal.” ( The Buzz 3: “No story lives unless someone wants to listen. The stories we love best do live in us forever. So whether you come back by page or by the big screen, Hogwarts will always be there to welcome you home.” (J.K. Rowling, author of Harry Potter fantasy books) The Buzz 4: “You’re never going to kill storytelling, because it’s built in the human plan. We come with it.” ‘(Margaret Atwood, author of The Handmaid's Tale) The Buzz 5: “The most amazing thing for me is that every single person who sees a movie, not necessarily one of my movies, brings a whole set of unique experiences, but through careful manipulation and good storytelling, you can get everybody to clap at the same time, to hopefully laugh at the same time, and to be afraid at the same time.” (Steven Spielberg, filmmaker) We’ll ask Dr. George Viney, Tish Hicks, Rebecca Armstrong and Megan Wells for their take on The Future of Storytelling and Technology: Get Real! VoiceAmerica | Talk Radio | Online Talk Radio false DD/MM/YYYY Add to Calendar
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