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PI’s Declassified!

PI’s Declassified!

Thursday at 9 AM Pacific

December 13th 2012: The Gift of Exoneration: Maurice Caldwell

21 years in prison! Maurice Caldwell was convicted in 1991 of murder in the Alemany Housing Project in San Francisco, CA. No physical evidence connected Maurice to the crime and none of the surviving victims identified him as the shooter. He was convicted solely on the testimony of one person, another example of how eyewitness identification can go wrong and lead to conviction of the innocent. Maurice was released in 2010 after a judge found his attorney to be ineffective for failing to investigate and the post-conviction investigation resulted in a confession from one of the true perpetrators

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Maurice Caldwell

Maurice Caldwell was 24-years-old in 1990 when arrested for a San Francisco murder & convicted based on testimony of a single eyewitness. Evidence unearthed by the Northern California Innocence Project (NCIP) demonstrated the eyewitness was wrong. Provided to the court was a confession from the real killer serving time for a subsequent Nevada murder & declarations from 2 witnesses who saw the murder & exonerated Maurice. Maurice was granted a new trial but the judge ruled he would not get a fair trial since the first eyewitness was deceased. The DA dismissed the case, but insisted there was no finding of innocence and Maurice was released only on a technicality. NCIP attorney, Paige K
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Paige Kaneb

A supervising attorney at the Northern California Innocence Project (NCIP), Paige Kaneb represents indigent inmates with strong claims of innocence, conducts investigation, drafts habeas petitions & motions for DNA testing, litigates claims in court, teaches classes on constitutional law related to innocence, speaks to organizations & audiences about the causes of wrongful convictions, supervises law students & trains them to be practicing attorneys, & assists exonerees in integrating back into the world. A cum laude graduate of the University of San Francisco, School of Law, Paige began with NCIP as a volunteer in 2007 followed by a 2-year clinical fellowship program, then promoted to
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Share Email Share this E-mail 09/05/2024 09:00 09/05/2024 10:00 PI’s Declassified! 21 years in prison! Maurice Caldwell was convicted in 1991 of murder in the Alemany Housing Project in San Francisco, CA. No physical evidence connected Maurice to the crime and none of the surviving victims identified him as the shooter. He was convicted solely on the testimony of one person, another example of how eyewitness identification can go wrong and lead to conviction of the innocent. Maurice was released in 2010 after a judge found his attorney to be ineffective for failing to investigate and the post-conviction investigation resulted in a confession from one of the true perpetrators. Also provided were declarations from two witnesses who saw the murder and identified the shooters as people other than Maurice. All three say that Maurice was not involved in any way. Join Maurice and Paige Kaneb, a supervising attorney from the Northern California Innocence Project, for the details of this justice gone awry. VoiceAmerica | Talk Radio | Online Talk Radio false DD/MM/YYYY Add to Calendar
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