The Power of Perspective: Reframe the Game
January 30, 2019
Hosted by Michelle Beck
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The beautiful parts of life are sprinkled with love, challenge, fear, joy, and hopefully the appreciation for the insight we gain along the way. If your goal is to outrun pain or conflict you will never succeed. But, if you can learn to turn the tides and recognize the strength you have and the blessings all around you, you will in turn become more courageous, more alive, and fearless to face whatever is thrown your way. Through her own journey with cancer, Shandy Welch was given the opportunity to walk the walk, see medicine from the perspective of a patient, and became incredibly inspired along the way.
Breast Friends Cancer Support Network
Wednesday at 9 AM Pacific Time on VoiceAmerica Health and Wellness Channel
Breast Friends helps women and families deal with the emotional upheaval of cancer. Breast Friends Cancer Support Network is here to remind those dealing with a diagnosis of cancer that they are not alone. We get it. Our show focuses on education, inspiration and hope, by offering useful information to survivors, thrivers, friends and family. While interviewing a variety of guest speakers, including doctors, nutritionists, sex therapists, counselors, comedians and entrepreneurs to name a few, host Michelle Beck asks pertinet questions, highlighting unique perspectives and providing helpful information every week. Breast Friends Cancer Support Network can be heard live every Wednesday at 9 AM Pacific Time on the VoiceAmerica Health and Wellness Channel.
Michelle Beck
Michelle is a 2-time, 9-year survivor of breast cancer. In 2017, she began volunteering at Breast Friends of Oregon, and in the process found support, encouragement and a tribe of women who understood exactly what it is like to hear the words “you have cancer.” This changed her life forever.
Michelle’s early career was spent as a paralegal and then as a C-Level Executive Assistant for entrepreneurs and start-ups. Organization and details are her jam; everything has its place and “rules” are to be followed. But, after becoming a stay-at-home parent and two breast cancer battles, all her rules went out the window!
Her second cancer journey led Michelle to a new career path at Breast Friends. In early 2019, she was hired as the Patient Programs Assistant where she made herself indispensable. She is now embracing the opportunity to host the Breast Friends Cancer Support Network.
Michelle is a fierce breast cancer advocate. She is working on a book to tell her story and loves to speak to audiences about how to move forward in the face of life’s trials. Her blog, “I Never Liked Pink” allows her the platform to, as she says, “overshare” the things she’s discovered on life’s journey. The good, the bad and the “What the F??” Michelle enjoys exploring with her husband Nate, son Jackson and 2 dogs in their travel trailer She loves reading books, watching movies and is obsessed with true crime and paranormal podcasts.