The resilience of embracing your vulnerability
April 26, 2021
Hosted by Beth Page, Ph.D.
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Have you ever felt like you might be allergic to your vulnerability? An Executive Coach who was raised to not show vulnerability, Jenna Forster, founder of JF & Associates, joins Beth in the resilience conversation this week to share how her journey with lyme disease was the path that helped transform her vulnerability allergy into her resilience strength. Jenna will share lived experience on navigating the unexpected impacts on her health, relationships and business from this illness and how it helped her embrace the unknowns of being vulnerable. Jenna highlights her resilience lesson on how she came to understand that when we allow ourselves to be vulnerable, we are not only giving permission for others to engage with us differently, we are giving ourselves permission to ask for help. In episode 8 of Resilience & You listen in to learn how embracing your vulnerability may be the key to strengthening your own resilience.
Resilience & You
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Resilience and You is designed for those who would like to strengthen their resilience, particularly in times of challenge and uncertainty. We interview resilient humans to learn from their stories about how resilience can be strengthened, at work and beyond. Kathryn McEwen, an organizational psychologist operating out of Australia, defines resilience as “an individual’s capacity to manage the everyday stress of work and remain healthy, rebound and learn from unexpected setbacks and prepare for future challenges proactively.” Resilience invites us to slow down, create a pause, take a breath and embrace curiosity. Resilience is currently receiving a lot of media attention. Our efforts to cultivate workplaces of belonging and performance amidst COVID-19 are yielding resilience challenges for leaders and employees alike. Resilience positively enhances our conflict handling skills, our capacity for managing everyday stressors and our capacity for navigating the many relationships we have.
Beth Page, Ph.D.
Beth Page, Ph.D. is an author, consultant, coach, educator, international speaker and Dream Catcher Consulting founder. As a consultant and professional certified coach, Beth helps support people and organizations to honor the human dimension of change. She is a certified Emotional Intelligence Coach (EQ in Action). She is accredited to administer the Resilience At Work assessment and works with leaders to cultivate greater resilience, which has been particularly valuable amidst the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. She is passionate about supporting leaders and organizations in cultivating communities of belonging. Her books include Change Happens: Your Guide to Navigating Change using the 5C Model, now in its 2nd edition, Done Deal: Your Guide to Merger and Acquisition Integration, and a chapter in the best-selling Awakening the Workplace. She also collaborated on a co-authored chapter in Leading with Spirit, Presence and Authenticity published by Jossey-Bass. Beth holds degrees from Pepperdine University, Western Illinois University, Carleton University and she completed her Ph.D. at the University of Victoria.